David Williams House Museum

The David Williams House is a substantial foursquare with deep hip roof, interior chimneys, asbestos siding, sawnwork eave brackets and hipped front porch with original boxed posts with sawnwork spandrels, two-over-two sash, one-story rear ell with recessed porch and central hall floor plan.

In order to save it, the Ocracoke Preservation Society moved this house in 1989 to its present location on land owned by the National Park Service from its nearby original location just north of the Anchorage Inn, facing the harbor.

The original site had been bought by the Anchorage Inn and the house was endangered. It is believed to have been built by David Williams (1858-1938) who served in the Coast Guard. Williams purchased the original tract from William H. Wahab for $10 in 1890 (DB 19, 497). He was married to Alice Wahab (1865-1953), sister of James Hatton Wahab.

Museum Hours

Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 4:00
Saturday, 11:00 - 4:00

Closed for the winter on Saturday, November 28. Will re-open Monday, April 18.